Volunteer in Social Coaching

Three hours per week of volunteer work, 100% home office, flexible working hours

The LIFE Initiative is a non-profit organization. Since August 2022, we offer people in emergencies individual online counseling and coaching on bureaucratic problems. As a result, people seeking help successfully gain access to social services. Each volunteer of the LIFE Initiative is prepared for his or her role as a coach through targeted training and works flexibly in terms of time and location. Together, a growing team makes sure that everyone gets one step further.

Who are the people behind the LIFE Initiative? What drives us? Meet our volunteers.

Your tasks:

  • Participation in the training program as preparation for your work as a social coach 
  • Providing support to several clients (people seeking help) regarding social benefits, difficulties with immigration authorities and other offices 
  • Coaching of clients and help for self-help in regular digital communication 
  • Contribute to knowledge management and further development of LIFE Initiative's coaching concept

What to expect:

  • Direct impact through the empowerment of people in need of help
  • Flexible working hours (approx. three hours per week) via home office
  • Extensive mentoring and close cooperation of volunteers in a dynamic team
  • Advancement of communication skills
  • Frequent exchange with the founding team and participation in a new concept of social coaching


  • Availability of at least 4 months
  • German C1 required (business fluent), English and additional language skills advantageous
  • Willingness to learn about regulatory issues (no prior knowledge required)
  • Team spirit and desire to participate in the development of a volunteer network
  • Communicative personality
  • Experience in coaching or social work an advantage (not a requirement)

Your application:

The work as a social coach is done on a voluntary basis. We are looking forward to your application via our application form.

    You can also contact us at any time by e-mail (jobs@life-initiative.org) with your questions or send your application.

    LIFE Initiative e.V.
    represented by: Ramin Goo
    Oranienstraße 203,10999 Berlin
    E-mail: jobs@life-initiative.org
    Telefon: +49 30 233 213 00

    What training will I receive for my volunteer work? How will I be instructed?

    Before starting their work, all volunteers take part in a three-hour training workshop. There, we work on the basics of communication and technique of working as a social coach at the LIFE Initiative. After that, you will receive your first case. You will be supervised by a mentor or an experienced volunteer. In monthly experience exchange rounds, you will receive input on content-related and communication challenges in your work.

    Which target group and topics are the focus of the social work as a volunteer?

    The assistance offered by the LIFE Initiative is aimed at adults with low incomes who are confronted with bureaucratic difficulties that they cannot solve on their own. Many of our clients have a migrant background, some of whom do not understand German well or have only been living in Germany for a short time. The issues of social coaching are very diverse. We help to answer a letter from the job center, to write an application to the social welfare office or to obtain a credit report. We do not answer complicated legal questions, but we do help our clients find lawyers or refer them to specific counseling centers.

    Can I start my new volunteer work without any prior knowledge of bureaucratic issues?

    Yes, no prior knowledge is required for your volunteer work with the LIFE Initiative. You can research many questions during your social coaching on your own (e.g.: What papers do you need to open a bank account? How do you find a lawyer?) For other questions, you will exchange ideas within the LIFE Initiative team and consult the solutions of other volunteers and cases. You should be able to understand administrative German, but you don't need any prior knowledge.

    What are my working hours as a Social Coach at the LIFE Initiative?

    Your working hours are very flexible. Some volunteers do social counseling with their clients in the evening, others during the day or on weekends. You determine the times yourself. We assign you a new case every two to four weeks. For all the tasks of your community service as a volunteer, you should allocate about three hours per week. You can let us know at any time if you do not want to receive any new cases, for example, if you are on vacation, very busy at work, or if you have exams coming up. Since the interaction with clients can sometimes last for several months, we are looking for volunteers who would like to work with us for a longer period of time.

    What programs and devices do I need?

    A normal smartphone and a computer are sufficient. We will give you access to our communication tools after onboarding. For e-coaching work, you should open your own WhatsApp account, separate from your private communication. We will explain to you how to do this.

    Apply now

