About the LIFE Initiative

The team of the LIFE Initiative e.V. helps people in social emergencies with online coaching. For this purpose, the non-profit organization is building a powerful network and structures for effective online volunteering and sustainable knowledge management.

Difficulties with government offices can cause existential crises, for example when it comes to residence status, an application for housing subsidies, when people are afraid of dealing with authorities or do not understand the bureaucrat's German. The LIFE Initiative is quickly accessible for people in need of help, with or without a migration background, from all over Germany via WhatsApp, e-mail or SMS, and provides free and uncomplicated help. In individual online coaching, the volunteers take people seeking advice by hand, get an overview of the problem, and search for a solution from possible assistance programs. If necessary, they draft letters or applications and encourage their clients to pursue their goals in a continuous exchange. Our goal is to be able to advise even more people in the future so that everyone can take a step forward.

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What drives Ramin Goo, the initiator of the LIFE Initiative: "I'm not afraid anymore because you're there." These words from a friend have shaped Ramin's life. For many years, he has supported refugees and friends with bureaucratic problems, job searches, and other challenges. As the founder of Kochhaus, Ramin knows how to build an organization, and with the LIFE Initiative, he wants to empower others to change their lives. He is driven by his vision to make social aid accessible to all.

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Since August 2022, the team of the LIFE Initiative has successfully helped more than 400 people seeking advice to solve bureaucratic problems. (Insight into our work). The team of currently 80 Volunteers in Social Coaching (as of July 2024) combines professional experience from the fields of social work, politics, law, administration, coaching, psychology, and, medicine. The active members also support the association financially, organizationally, with IT, social media, public relations and many other tasks. On the board of the association, Ramin Goo (entrepreneur), Lucy Belau (student of nonprofit management) and Florian Reith (assistant physician in pediatrics and adolescent medicine) take care of organizational matters.

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Up to now, there are only a few offers in Germany to become active as a volunteer in the social sector, independent of location and 100% online. With an innovative model for volunteer work, the LIFE Initiative wants to be a pioneer in the establishment of online volunteering. By doing so, we offer social engagement opportunities to people with young children, with changing residences, or with heavy workloads for whom traditional volunteer positions are often difficult to realize. The initiative aims to build the foundation for scalable growth with more efficient communication tools, expertise management, and e-learning. In the future, volunteers who are willing to advise people in need will be able to access all the information they are looking for, access to an excellent network of experts, and an optimal working environment with just a few clicks.

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