How can I find out the status of my asylum procedure?

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Find out in 4 steps how to get information about the status of your asylum process. A quick overview:

  • Consider if it makes sense to ask for an update in your situation.
  • Send your request by email with the necessary documents to the BAMF.
Click on headlines to open steps
  • For more information, click on the small numbers.1Example
1. What is a request for status update?

  • After your interview, your asylum application will be reviewed. You usually receive the decision from the BAMF2Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. after 3-9 months. Sometimes it takes longer.
  • You can ask the BAMF for information about how long your asylum process will take (status update). The BAMF will likely respond with a letter.3The response may take several weeks. You may receive information about the expected duration until a decision, or you may be informed that the duration is unknown.
2. Consider if it makes sense to ask for an update

  • If you send the request, your asylum application might be decided faster.4This is uncertain. Often, the request does not lead to a faster decision.
  • We recommend sending a request if you want a faster decision.5This can be helpful if you have good chances of a positive decision (countries of origin such as Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, and Somalia).
  • If you think your application might be rejected6The protection rate per country in 2022 can be viewed here (pages 3 and 4)., you might not want a faster decision. In that case, do not send the request.
3. Send the request to the BAMF

  • Send an email7Write to, for example: “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, mein Name ist (your first and last name), ich wohne in (your address) und bin am (your date of birth) geboren. Ich möchte Sie bitten, mir eine Auskunft über den Stand meines Asylantrags mit dem Aktenzeichen (your case number) zu geben. Im Anhang finden Sie meine gültige Aufenthaltsgestattung/meinen Ankunftsnachweis. Vielen Dank und freundliche Grüße (your first and last name)” (Dear Sir or Madam, my name is [your first and last name], I live at [your address] and was born on [your date of birth]. I would like to ask you for information about the status of my asylum application with the case number [your case number]. Attached you will find my valid Aufenthaltsgestattung (temporary residence permit during asylum process) / Ankunftsnachweis (arrival certificate). Thank you and kind regards, [your first and last name]). to the BAMF. You need to attach a scan of your Aufenthaltsgestattung (temporary residence permit during asylum process)8Front and back of the green ID card in the asylum process. or your Ankunftsnachweis (arrival certificate), your case number9This is a number with 7 or 8 digits followed by 3 digits representing your country (e.g., Gesch.Z. 1234567 – 123). You can find this number on letters from the BAMF, such as the invitation to the interview. Look for “Gesch.Z.” or “AZ.”, your first and last name, your date of birth, and your address (information from BAMF).
4. Receive the response from the BAMF

  • You will probably receive a response by letter, in which the BAMF tells you how long it will take to make a decision. Sometimes, the letter says that it is not possible to provide information at the moment. In some cases, instead of a response, you receive your asylum decision by mail.
  • If the BAMF does not respond within 30 days, send a reminder with the same information.10Consider sending the reminder by fax instead of email. Fax is a method of sending documents over the telephone network. You can ask at your workplace, accommodation, or a copy shop if they have a fax machine. You can also send a fax online, e.g., at (5 pages per month for free) or (7 cents per page, account from 5 €).
  • Use the time until you receive a response to improve your chances of a long-term residence permit.

This page was realized with the support of the Postcode Lottery. (Last updated August 2024)
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  • 1
  • 2
    Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
  • 3
    The response may take several weeks. You may receive information about the expected duration until a decision, or you may be informed that the duration is unknown.
  • 4
    This is uncertain. Often, the request does not lead to a faster decision.
  • 5
    This can be helpful if you have good chances of a positive decision (countries of origin such as Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Eritrea, and Somalia).
  • 6
    The protection rate per country in 2022 can be viewed here (pages 3 and 4).
  • 7
    Write to, for example: “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, mein Name ist (your first and last name), ich wohne in (your address) und bin am (your date of birth) geboren. Ich möchte Sie bitten, mir eine Auskunft über den Stand meines Asylantrags mit dem Aktenzeichen (your case number) zu geben. Im Anhang finden Sie meine gültige Aufenthaltsgestattung/meinen Ankunftsnachweis. Vielen Dank und freundliche Grüße (your first and last name)” (Dear Sir or Madam, my name is [your first and last name], I live at [your address] and was born on [your date of birth]. I would like to ask you for information about the status of my asylum application with the case number [your case number]. Attached you will find my valid Aufenthaltsgestattung (temporary residence permit during asylum process) / Ankunftsnachweis (arrival certificate). Thank you and kind regards, [your first and last name]).
  • 8
    Front and back of the green ID card in the asylum process.
  • 9
    This is a number with 7 or 8 digits followed by 3 digits representing your country (e.g., Gesch.Z. 1234567 – 123). You can find this number on letters from the BAMF, such as the invitation to the interview. Look for “Gesch.Z.” or “AZ.”
  • 10
    Consider sending the reminder by fax instead of email. Fax is a method of sending documents over the telephone network. You can ask at your workplace, accommodation, or a copy shop if they have a fax machine. You can also send a fax online, e.g., at (5 pages per month for free) or (7 cents per page, account from 5 €).