How do I get a work permit?
(Asylum seeker/ Duldung)

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Find out in 7 steps how you can get a work permit as a person in the asylum procedure or with a Duldung. A quick overview:

  • Look for a job and explain the procedure to the company.
  • Send the employment contract and the declaration of employment to your responsible Immigration Office.
  • Once you have the permission, you can start your job.

The instructions also apply to changing jobs.

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  • For more information, click on the small numbers.1Example
1. Check if you can get a work permit

  • If your Aufenthaltsgestattung (temporary residence permit during asylum process) or Duldung (tolerated stay permit) states that “employment is permitted with the consent of the immigration authority”, you can get a work permit.
  • Asylum seekers can usually obtain a work permit 3 months after arrival.2If you are living in a Erstaufnahme (initial reception center) (or Ankerzentrum), you are only allowed to work after 6 months. After these 6 months, you can ask for a work permit. Even if your residence document says that employment is not permitted. Further information. People with a “Duldung” are also allowed to work in many cases.3With a “Duldung für Menschen mit ungeklärter Identität” (Duldung for people with “unclear identity”) you cannot work. People in the asylum procedure from certain countries4Safe countries of origin: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ghana, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Senegal and Serbia are not allowed to work.
  • Ask for help if you don’t know how to check this.5 Contact a local counseling center or the LIFE Initiative.
2. Look for a job

  • You do not need permission to search for a job. In fact, you can only apply for a work permit with a written job offer.
  • You can look for job offers online or introduce yourself locally, for example in stores or restaurants.6You can find tips on job searches and applications on the Internet.
3. Inform your employer about the documents

  • If an employer wants to hire you, you cannot start working immediately.7The employer can be the company, the business, the restaurant or store where you want to work. You must first apply for approval from the Immigration Office.
  • To apply for this approval, you will need a draft employment agreement (not signed) as well as a Erklärung zum Beschäftigungsverhältnis (declaration of employment) filled in by the employer.8In the form, the fields 3-22, 24-25, 37-51 and 57-59 must be completed. Here you find an explanation for the form in English.
4. Explain the procedure to the employer

  • Some employers hesitate to employ asylum seekers. You can tell them that there is a high probability that you will get the permit. The work must be paid at least the minimum wage (12.41 euros per hour).
  • It can take 3-6 weeks for the permit to arrive.9The company takes no risk during this time and can withdraw its offer of employment. The employment contract is only signed after permission has been given.
5. Send the documents to the Immigration Office

  • The documents, together with a message10In the message, you can for example ask for permission to be given within 21 days., should be sent to your responsible Immigration Office11You can find the foreigners registration office for your town here. by letter, registered mail (Einschreiben)12The registered letter is like a letter. But you get proof that it has arrived. It costs €3.10. To send it, you have to go to a Deutsche Post office. The post office will give you a code with a proof of delivery. Take a photo of the code and keep it. or fax.
6. Send a reminder if necessary

  • After 3 weeks, send a reminder to the Immigration Office and ask for a written information on your application. Your employer can also send a letter asking for the permit to be given. You can also ask by telephone.
  • If you have not received an answer after 6-8 weeks, you can ask for help from a counseling center or a law firm.
7. Start your new job

  • As soon as you have written approval, you can sign the employment contract and start your new job.

This page was realized with the support of the Postcode Lottery. (Last updated August 2024)
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  • 1
  • 2
    If you are living in a Erstaufnahme (initial reception center) (or Ankerzentrum), you are only allowed to work after 6 months. After these 6 months, you can ask for a work permit. Even if your residence document says that employment is not permitted. Further information.
  • 3
    With a “Duldung für Menschen mit ungeklärter Identität” (Duldung for people with “unclear identity”) you cannot work.
  • 4
    Safe countries of origin: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ghana, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Senegal and Serbia
  • 5
  • 6
    You can find tips on job searches and applications on the Internet.
  • 7
    The employer can be the company, the business, the restaurant or store where you want to work.
  • 8
    In the form, the fields 3-22, 24-25, 37-51 and 57-59 must be completed. Here you find an explanation for the form in English.
  • 9
    The company takes no risk during this time and can withdraw its offer of employment. The employment contract is only signed after permission has been given.
  • 10
    In the message, you can for example ask for permission to be given within 21 days.
  • 11
    You can find the foreigners registration office for your town here.
  • 12
    The registered letter is like a letter. But you get proof that it has arrived. It costs €3.10. To send it, you have to go to a Deutsche Post office. The post office will give you a code with a proof of delivery. Take a photo of the code and keep it.