What can I do if the immigration office does not answer?

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Find out in 8 steps what to do if you don’t get a response from the immigration office. A quick overview:

  • Send your complete application and all documents again with a deadline to the immigration office.
  • Send a reminder after 14 days by another means (e.g., by fax).
  • Get support from your company, a counseling center, or a lawyer.
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  • For more information, click on the small numbers.1Example
1. Check your application and required documents

  • If you don’t receive a response from the immigration office, check again your message and the required documents for your application.2For example, to get approval for a new job, you need the draft of the employment contract, the statement of employment relationship, a copy of your passport, and a registration certificate (Meldebestätigung). Check the immigration office’s website.
  • Check if you can book3You can find information on how to book an appointment here. an appointment online for your application.
2. Send application and documents again (with a deadline)

  • We recommend sending the application and all documents again. Write a letter.4“Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit beantrage ich … (z.B. die Verlängerung meines Aufenthaltstitels). Ich bitte um Antwort und den Bearbeitungsstand innerhalb von 14 Tagen und um Erledigung bis spätestens (Datum). Vielen Dank und mit freundlichen Grüßen (Dein Name)” (Translation: “Dear Sir or Madam, I hereby apply for… (e.g., the extension of my residence permit). I kindly ask for a response and the processing status within 14 days and for completion by (date). Thank you and kind regards (Your Name)”) Ask for a response within 14 days.
  • Send the letter and documents via online form, email, post (registered mail with return receipt5Registered mail with return receipt is like a regular letter, but you get proof that it has been delivered. It costs 3.10 €. To send it, you need to go to a Deutsche Post branch. The post office will give you a code with proof of delivery. Take a photo of the code and keep it.), or fax.6Fax is a way to send documents over the telephone network. You can ask at your workplace, accommodation, or a copy shop if they have a fax machine. You can also send a fax online, e.g., at fax.pdf24.org (5 pages per month for free) or simple-fax.de (7 cents per page, account starting from 5 €).
3. Send a reminder

  • If you have not received a response after 14 days, send a reminder and choose a different means of communication.7If you sent the application by email, for example, now send a fax.
  • You might write DRINGEND (URGENT) in the subject line and explain why you need a quick response.8For example, because your company needs an answer by a specific date. Get a document (for example, from your company) to prove the urgency.
  • Send a second reminder after another 15-30 days. You could also try calling or visiting in person.
4. Write to the office if there is an emergency

  • In the following cases, write that there is an emergency:
    • You need to travel abroad within the next four weeks.
    • You are at risk of losing your job without a response.
    • The Jobcenter or social assistance office (Sozialamt) will not pay you any more money without a response.
  • You need a document9Travel booking, letter from your company, Jobcenter, or social assistance office. as proof of the emergency. Send it with a message via the contact form, by email, or by fax to the immigration office with the subject line: NOTFALL (EMERGENCY).10Some offices have specific contact forms for emergencies, for example, Berlin. It might be useful to call or visit in person.
5. Check what you can do while waiting for a response

  • Maybe there is something you can do while waiting for a response. If you have found a job after finishing your studies, you can ask the company if they can hire you for up to 20 hours per week as a working student (Werkstudierende) until the permit is granted.11This activity is usually allowed with a residence permit for studies.
6. Look for support

  • You can ask a counseling center for help.
  • Maybe ask your company, university, or a local association if they can write a letter to the immigration office.
  • If you do not receive a response, you could contact the office of the mayor, a city council or district council group (Stadtrats- oder Kreistagsfraktion), or a state or federal parliament member in your area. Explain your problem and ask for support.
7. Consult a lawyer

  • If you have not received a response after 60 to 90 days, you might consider asking a lawyer for help. The assistance will cost money.
  • The lawyer might be able to file a lawsuit against the immigration office for inactivity. Before doing so, they might send a letter.
8. Receive a response from the immigration office

  • If you are successful, you will receive a response or approval from the immigration office.
  • Feel free to let us know about your experience and which approach was successful.

This page was realized with the support of the Postcode Lottery. (Last updated August 2024)
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  • 1
  • 2
    For example, to get approval for a new job, you need the draft of the employment contract, the statement of employment relationship, a copy of your passport, and a registration certificate (Meldebestätigung).
  • 3
    You can find information on how to book an appointment here.
  • 4
    “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, hiermit beantrage ich … (z.B. die Verlängerung meines Aufenthaltstitels). Ich bitte um Antwort und den Bearbeitungsstand innerhalb von 14 Tagen und um Erledigung bis spätestens (Datum). Vielen Dank und mit freundlichen Grüßen (Dein Name)” (Translation: “Dear Sir or Madam, I hereby apply for… (e.g., the extension of my residence permit). I kindly ask for a response and the processing status within 14 days and for completion by (date). Thank you and kind regards (Your Name)”)
  • 5
    Registered mail with return receipt is like a regular letter, but you get proof that it has been delivered. It costs 3.10 €. To send it, you need to go to a Deutsche Post branch. The post office will give you a code with proof of delivery. Take a photo of the code and keep it.
  • 6
    Fax is a way to send documents over the telephone network. You can ask at your workplace, accommodation, or a copy shop if they have a fax machine. You can also send a fax online, e.g., at fax.pdf24.org (5 pages per month for free) or simple-fax.de (7 cents per page, account starting from 5 €).
  • 7
    If you sent the application by email, for example, now send a fax.
  • 8
    For example, because your company needs an answer by a specific date.
  • 9
    Travel booking, letter from your company, Jobcenter, or social assistance office.
  • 10
    Some offices have specific contact forms for emergencies, for example, Berlin.
  • 11
    This activity is usually allowed with a residence permit for studies.