What can I do if my residence permit expires?

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Find out in 9 steps what you can do if your residence permit is about to expire. A quick overview: 

  • Book an appointment 90 days before your residence permit expires.
  • If you cannot get an appointment, send an application by email, post, or fax.
  • Prepare all important documents and bring them to the appointment.
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  • For more information, click on the small numbers.1Example
1. Check when your residence permit expires

  • You can see how long your residence permit is valid by looking at it.
  • The authorities recommend applying for an extension or a new residence permit about 90 days before it expires.2It is important that you apply for the extension before your residence permit expires.
2. Book an appointment

  • Book an appointment online at your responsible immigration office.3Here are the links for some cities: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne. Here you can find the addresses of all immigration offices in Germany. If the appointment is after your residence permit expires, it is not a problem as long as you booked the appointment before it expired.
  • The booking of the appointment counts as an application for an extension. You must be able to prove that you booked the appointment. Take a screenshot of the appointment confirmation. Save an email confirmation as a PDF and print it out.
  • If there are no online appointments available, submit an application online, use the contact form, send an email, call, or go to the office in person and ask for an appointment.
3. If no appointments are available, keep checking

  • If no appointments are available, keep checking. It is often helpful to check for new appointments in the morning between 7:30 and 8:30 am.
  • If you have not received a response to your messages, follow up after about 14 days.
4. If necessary, send an urgent request

  • If you still do not have an appointment 30 days before your residence permit expires, send a message with the subject: URGENT Application for Residence Permit.4In the message, write, for example: “Mein aktueller Aufenthaltstitel läuft am [Datum] ab. Ich beantrage hiermit seine Verlängerung [oder folgenden neuen Titel…] und bitte dringend um einen Termin sowie um die Bestätigung des Eingangs dieser Nachricht.” (My current residence permit expires on [date]. I hereby apply for its extension [or the following new permit…] and urgently request an appointment as well as confirmation of receipt of this message.) Include your name, address, date of birth, and the details of your current residence permit in the message.
  • Take a screenshot of the confirmation that the message was received. If you get a response, save it as a PDF and print it out.
5. If you don’t get an appointment or response, send your application by mail or fax

  • If you have not received an appointment or response to your messages 10 days before your residence permit expires, you must send an application5The application must be at the immigration office before the expiration date of your residence permit. by fax6Fax is a way of sending documents over the telephone network. You can ask at your workplace, accommodation, or a copy shop if they have a fax machine. You can also send a fax online, for example, at fax.pdf24.org (5 pages per month free) or simple-fax.de (7 cents per page, account possible from €5). Register on a website, upload the document, and enter the recipient’s number. If the fax was sent successfully, you will receive a delivery report by email. or by registered mail with proof of delivery7Registered mail with proof of delivery is a letter where you get proof that it has arrived. You should only use it if your residence permit expires in more than 5 days. It costs €3.10. Go to a Deutsche Post office. Take a photo of the code with the proof of delivery and keep it safe. 8The application must be at the immigration office before the expiration date of your residence permit.
  • If you need help writing the application, you can ask a counseling center.9Or ask for support from the LIFE Initiative.
6. Prepare for your appointment

  • Prepare all the documents you need. The required documents depend on your residence permit.10You must bring your passport, your old residence permit, and a recent biometric photo. You often also need your employment contract and pay slips or certificates from Ausbildung (vocational training), university, or language courses, as well as a registration certificate (Meldebestätigung) or your rental contract. You can usually find this information on the website of your immigration office.
  • If you do not speak German well, find someone who can translate and go with you to the appointment.
7. Wait for your appointment at the immigration office

  • If you have an appointment, a confirmation, or proof of submission of your application, you can wait. Your residence permit remains valid until a decision is made on your application.11If the appointment takes place after your residence permit has expired, your stay is still legal. This rule is stated under section 81(4) of the residence act (AufenthG). You can refer to this. All permissions also remain valid, such as your work permit.
  • Sometimes, you will receive a notification or a Fiktionsbescheinigung (fictional certificate) stating that your residence permit continues to be valid.12If you do not have this notification, use the appointment confirmation or proof of submission of your application as evidence.
  • If your company or the jobcenter asks about your residence permit, show them the documents and explain this regulation.
8. If necessary, send an emergency request

  • You should not wait in the following cases:
    • You need to travel abroad in the next four weeks.
    • You are at risk of losing your job without the document.
    • The jobcenter or social welfare office will not pay you without the document.
  • You need a document13Such as a travel booking, a letter from your company, jobcenter, or social welfare office. as proof of the emergency. Send it with a message through the contact form, by email, or by fax with the subject line: NOTFALL (EMERGENCY). It may also be useful to call or go in person.
9. Get your new residence permit

  • If you meet all the requirements, you will receive a temporary residence permit at the appointment. You can pick up the electronic residence permit (plastic card) after 4-6 weeks.14If any documents are missing, ask if you can send them by email or post in the next few days.
  • If your application is rejected, request a written interview and a written decision. You can file an appeal or take legal action in court within a certain deadline.15 For this, you should quickly look for a lawyer.

This page was realized with the support of the Postcode Lottery. (Last updated August 2024)
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  • 1
  • 2
    It is important that you apply for the extension before your residence permit expires.
  • 3
    Here are the links for some cities: Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Cologne. Here you can find the addresses of all immigration offices in Germany.
  • 4
    In the message, write, for example: “Mein aktueller Aufenthaltstitel läuft am [Datum] ab. Ich beantrage hiermit seine Verlängerung [oder folgenden neuen Titel…] und bitte dringend um einen Termin sowie um die Bestätigung des Eingangs dieser Nachricht.” (My current residence permit expires on [date]. I hereby apply for its extension [or the following new permit…] and urgently request an appointment as well as confirmation of receipt of this message.) Include your name, address, date of birth, and the details of your current residence permit in the message.
  • 5
    The application must be at the immigration office before the expiration date of your residence permit.
  • 6
    Fax is a way of sending documents over the telephone network. You can ask at your workplace, accommodation, or a copy shop if they have a fax machine. You can also send a fax online, for example, at fax.pdf24.org (5 pages per month free) or simple-fax.de (7 cents per page, account possible from €5). Register on a website, upload the document, and enter the recipient’s number. If the fax was sent successfully, you will receive a delivery report by email.
  • 7
    Registered mail with proof of delivery is a letter where you get proof that it has arrived. You should only use it if your residence permit expires in more than 5 days. It costs €3.10. Go to a Deutsche Post office. Take a photo of the code with the proof of delivery and keep it safe.
  • 8
    The application must be at the immigration office before the expiration date of your residence permit.
  • 9
    Or ask for support from the LIFE Initiative.
  • 10
    You must bring your passport, your old residence permit, and a recent biometric photo. You often also need your employment contract and pay slips or certificates from Ausbildung (vocational training), university, or language courses, as well as a registration certificate (Meldebestätigung) or your rental contract.
  • 11
    If the appointment takes place after your residence permit has expired, your stay is still legal. This rule is stated under section 81(4) of the residence act (AufenthG). You can refer to this.
  • 12
    If you do not have this notification, use the appointment confirmation or proof of submission of your application as evidence.
  • 13
    Such as a travel booking, a letter from your company, jobcenter, or social welfare office.
  • 14
    If any documents are missing, ask if you can send them by email or post in the next few days.
  • 15
    For this, you should quickly look for a lawyer.