How can I find counseling for migrants?

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Find out in 4 steps how to find a counseling center for migrants. A quick overview

  • Look for counseling offers near you (for example, on or online (for example MBEon).
  • Contact the counseling centers online, by email, or by phone, and ask for an appointment.
Click on headlines to open steps
  • For more information, click on the small numbers.1Example
1. Think about what kind of counseling you need

  • Look for counseling near you if you want to meet with someone in person.2Local counseling centers often have more knowledge about the services and authorities in your area. If not, search for counseling online (by internet, phone, or email).3Online counseling can be quicker and more flexible.
  • Counseling means that a person or an organization gives you information. The person who advises you discusses your situation with you, gives you tips and tells you what you can do.4There are counseling centers where trained people do the counseling as part of their job. At other counseling centers, people do it on a voluntary basis (in their free time without receiving any money).
  • Search for counseling that fits your topic.5Many counseling centers only help with certain topics that they know a lot about (examples: asylum, labor law or debt). Use keywords when searching (examples: “work permit; Duldung” or “Dublin deportation; Italy”).
  • The counseling offers on this page focus on counseling for migrants. They are all for free and independent from the government. They handle your questions confidentially.
2. Search for a suitable counseling center

  • There are several websites for finding local counseling:
    • On, you can search for migration counseling6General information about the services offered by migration counseling. and other services by location7To search by area, enter the first two digits of your postal code in the search., topics, and counseling languages.
    • The multilingual local search tool from Handbook Germany is available for many cities. With the NAVI search tool from BAMF, you can choose a search radius in kilometers.
    • On the website of the Flüchtlingsrat in your federal state, you can find local associations8Local associations may also be able to help you find housing or a job. They might also support you if you are facing deportation. and links to support services.
    • In 38 cities, students from the Refugee Law Clinics offer free legal aid to refugees.
  • For online counseling, you can use these services:
    • Install the app from Migrationsberatung Online (MBEon)9Download the app. Register with a username and email address. You need to activate your account with the link you get via email. Then click on “start a new chat” in the app and enter your postal code and language. Choose a person to chat with. or use the online counseling service from Caritas.10Register with a username and password. Then enter your postal code and choose a counseling center. Then click on “write a message”.
    • Get information from Handbook Germany and ask questions in the Community Forum Together in Germany11Register and post your question in the forum, and you will receive a reply from the community manager. (available in 9 languages).
    • Contact the LIFE Initiative for volunteer help with bureaucracy issues.
  • You can also search the internet or the website of your city for “migration counseling” or “refugee counseling” in your area.
3. Check if you need specialized counseling or help from a lawyer

4. Send a message to the counseling center

  • Contact one or more suitable counseling centers online, by email, or by phone. Check their website: Sometimes there is an open consultation hour that you can attend without appointment.
  • Explain your problem on the phone or in the email and ask for an appointment.12“Hello, my name is (your first and last name). I need help with (your problem). (The problem is urgent because ….) I would like a consultation in (desired language). Can you give me an appointment? Thank you and best regards (your name)”
  • Bring all documents that are important for your problem to the appointment.

This page was realized with the support of the Postcode Lottery. (Last updated August 2024)
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  • 1
  • 2
    Local counseling centers often have more knowledge about the services and authorities in your area.
  • 3
    Online counseling can be quicker and more flexible.
  • 4
    There are counseling centers where trained people do the counseling as part of their job. At other counseling centers, people do it on a voluntary basis (in their free time without receiving any money)
  • 5
    Many counseling centers only help with certain topics that they know a lot about (examples: asylum, labor law or debt).
  • 6
    General information about the services offered by migration counseling.
  • 7
    To search by area, enter the first two digits of your postal code in the search.
  • 8
    Local associations may also be able to help you find housing or a job. They might also support you if you are facing deportation.
  • 9
    Download the app. Register with a username and email address. You need to activate your account with the link you get via email. Then click on “start a new chat” in the app and enter your postal code and language. Choose a person to chat with.
  • 10
    Register with a username and password. Then enter your postal code and choose a counseling center. Then click on “write a message”.
  • 11
    Register and post your question in the forum, and you will receive a reply from the community manager.
  • 12
    “Hello, my name is (your first and last name). I need help with (your problem). (The problem is urgent because ….) I would like a consultation in (desired language). Can you give me an appointment? Thank you and best regards (your name)”